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Closed Mon. & Sun. Open Tues.-Sat. 9:00am - 5:00pm

What is a Cooperative?

A cooperative is an organization working or acting together willingly for a common purpose or benefit.

Cooperatives are not new concepts; the greatest example of successful cooperatives is in the credit union industry. Beginning in the mid-19th Century the credit union movement started as a parallel financial industry. Banks favored wealthy clients and neglected unprofitable small business owners or entrepreneurs. If they should be fortunate enough to obtain a loan from a bank, it was at exorbitant interest rates. 

People within small industries like mom-and-pop shops, came together to form cooperatives that served a common purpose that fairly and affordably met their financial needs. People had a resource that could help them achieve their dreams. From that spirit of cooperation, a simple, profound philosophy essential to the communities that credit unions serve was implemented:  People Helping People.

Gospel Bold's founder served the credit union industry for twenty years and adopted the People Helping People philosophy into the organization's development. Some small organizations and individuals are inspired by a vision to serve others in their communities but lack the resources an established nonprofit provides. An essential part of Gospel Bold is to serve as a cooperative to help others build their organizations to serve others by partnering with these visionaries for our common purpose.

The common purpose biblical-based Christians share is serving others, especially the impoverished. James 1:27 puts it this way:

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their affliction.

"To look after orphans and widows in their affliction" is a euphemism that means to serve the most neglected people in our communities. Gospel Bold Cooperatives is to provide a resource for others without the means to operate as a nonprofit yet benefit from an established nonprofit to grow their ministry. That is our vision.

Hover over GB COOPS to see the ministries we have partnered with to serve others.

  Nonprofit Setup is Not for the Fainthearted